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LeaseWeb wins the Managed Hosting Award

'We are delighted to receive the Managed Hosting Award.'

Frankfurt am Main, May 24, 2017 – LeaseWeb received an award in the “Managed Hosting” category at the Hosting & Service Provider Summit 2017. “We are delighted to have received this prize, even though managed hosting has not yet become one of our core services,” says Benjamin Schönfeld, Managing Director of LeaseWeb GmbH. He adds: “However, the services we already offer in this area have clearly generated good feedback. After all, the award is a testament to the satisfied customers who voted for us.”

The award was granted based on an online survey on the nine Vogel IT-Medien GmbH websites and From mid-February to mid-April, readers had the opportunity to select their favorite providers in ten different categories. All in all, more than 7,000 votes were cast. LeaseWeb was awarded the silver prize in managed hosting.

“We would like to thank all those who voted for us and will take this award as a sign that we should continue to improve and develop our services in the future,” says LeaseWeb Managing Director Benjamin Schönfeld.