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Unavailability of a business application is costly, not only in terms of revenue loss but also in productivity loss, damaged reputation, and sometimes there are SLA penalties. Floating IPs are routable IP addresses which can direct traffic to another IP address when necessary, to minimize and prevent downtime. Additionally, customers with their own IP addresses can use these in all our servers and at the same time benefit from the flexibility of Floating IPs.

Key Features


Minimize Outages

Floating IPs enable you to minimize downtime in the circumstance of an outage. If your primary server faces downtime, you can easily redirect traffic to your secondary server through Floating IPs.


Prevent Downtime

Before doing any maintenance work, redirect traffic to your passive server. Switch traffic back to the server when maintenance is finished and proceed with maintenance on your second server.


IP Announcement

We can announce your IP addresses to our network, and because of the Floating IP functionality, you can use your IP addresses with any Dedicated Server within our data centers and benefit from the flexibility of Floating IPs.

How does it work?

In the example shown below, we have two identical servers in an active-passive mode where the same website is hosted. The Domain Name Servers (DNS) of the website points to a Floating IP. The Floating IP directs traffic to the active server. If the active server fails, a single change to the Floating IP address will direct traffic to the IP of the passive server. This ensures that traffic will flow to the passive server and uptime will be maintained.

explaining how floating ip works

Fig 1. System functioning normally

how floating ip works

Fig 2. Error occurs

how floating ip works

Fig 3. System after server failure

Floating IP Options

Site Floating IP

Site Floating IPs route traffic to anchor IP addresses within the same data center.


Available in all Leaseweb data centers.

Metro Floating IP

Metro Floating IPs route traffic to anchor IP addresses in data centers within the same metro area.


AMS-01, AMS-02, LON-01, LON-12, SIN-01, SIN-12, SIN-15, HKG-10, HKG-12


United Kingdom£4.90
United States$6.30
Canada8,20 CAD

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