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Announcement date: 1 July 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract) and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 July 2024 as notified below. 

Such amendment - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following change for Customers benefit:  

  • The registered address of Leaseweb UK Limited has changed to 2 Eastbourne Terrace, London W2 6LG, United Kingdom. The address of the Leaseweb Data Center in London remains the same. 

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Service Level Agreement and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 July 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract  for more information. 

Sales Contract

To use our services, you must first enter into a contract with the relevant Leaseweb entity. The contract documentation generally consists of Sales Terms and Conditions, Policies, the Services Specifications, and the Service Level Agreement.


Sales Terms and Conditions

The Sales Term and Conditions shall apply to all quotations and (web) orders related to the provision of Services by Leaseweb.



Leaseweb aims to promote a high level of responsible behavior in connection with the use of its Services. For this purpose, Leaseweb has created the Policies.


Services Specifications

The Services Specifications shall apply to all quotations and (web) orders related to the provision of services by Leaseweb.


Service Level Agreement

The Service Level Agreement shall apply to all quotations and (web) orders related to the provision of services by Leaseweb.

The Service Level Agreement set forth the performance metrics such as service levels, response times, service windows and availability of services provided by Leaseweb. In addition, this Support and Service Levels defines the service credits that a Leaseweb customer may be eligible to, in case Leaseweb does not meet the agreed performance metrics.

You can download the latest versions of the contract documentation for each of these sales entities below.

Previous announcements

1 June 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 June 2024 as notified below. 

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  • The registered address of Leaseweb Singapore has changed to 1 Tai Seng Avenue, Tai Seng Exchange, Tower A #04-13, Singapore 536464. The address of the Leaseweb Data Center in Singapore remains the same;
  • A conditional Sales Contract transfer procedure has been added for the case of an internet professional or sole trader Customer’s death (Clauses 21.2 i), 22.2 b) and 25.6 of the Sales Terms and Conditions).

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 June 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract  for more information. 

1 May 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 May 2024 as notified below. 

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  • Some definitions have been updated in the Sales Terms and Conditions and Services Specifications for clarification purposes;
  • For clarification and transparency purposes “Early Termination Fee” (payable in case Customer is in breach of the Sales Contract and the Contract Term is terminated earlier than the Contract End Date) has been added as a defined term to the Sales Terms and Conditions.

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 May 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract  for more information. 

1 April 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 April 2024 as notified below. 

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  • The Policies of our Leaseweb Netherlands and Leaseweb Deutschland Sales Entities have been further adjusted for alignment with the recently implemented EU legislation named “Digital Services Act”.
  • Refinement of the provisions on blockchain (Clause 7.4 of the Sales Terms and Conditions).

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 April 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract  for more information. 

1 March 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)   and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 March 2024 as notified below.

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  • The Leaseweb “Support and Service Levels” Sales Contract Schedule has been renamed  to “Service Level Agreement” as the standard terminology in the market place;
  • The Policies of our Leaseweb Netherlands and Leaseweb Deutschland Sales Entities have been updated to comply with the recently implemented EU legislation named “Digital Services Act” applicable per 17 February 2024 as aligned on our website and in our abuse Notice and Action systems (Clause 1, 5.4, 12.5, 12.9-10, 13.1-2, 28.1 and 29.1-6 of the Policies of  Leaseweb Netherlands and Leaseweb Deutschland);
  • A one month notice period will be applicable for the Sales Contract Modification Requests related to upgrades (just like already in place for downgrades) for Sales Contracts with a 6 months Contract Term or longer (Clause 5.4 of the Sales Terms and Conditions);
  • In order to align with our systems and contract order forms, the term “Contract Extension Date” is now in the definitions of Chapter 1 of the Sales Terms and Conditions and (if applicable) will be visible in Sales Quotations and Sales Contract Overviews;
  • Minor additions on the Housing rules in the Policies (Clause 27.1 of the Policies) and the current provisions for End of Life-Cycle have been further clarified with regard to Early Termination (Clause 21.2 h) of the Sales Terms and Conditions).  

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Service Level Agreement and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 March 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information.

1 February 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)   and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 February 2024 as notified below.

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  • Leaseweb Deutschland now also offers Leaseweb Object Storage Service. Therefore, the Services Specifications and Support and Service Levels of Leaseweb Deutschland have been updated accordingly (Clauses 28 of the Services Specifications, Clause 18 of the Support and Service Levels of Leaseweb Deutschland);
  • The Policies of our Leaseweb United Kingdom Sales Entity have been updated to align with the applicable local legislation named “Online Safety Act” (Clauses 1, 5 and 12 of the Policies of Leaseweb United Kingdom);

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 February 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract  for more information. 

1 January 2024

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 January 2024 as notified below. 

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit: 

  • Leaseweb Managed Kubernetes Services are being introduced in a Beta version by our Leaseweb Sales Entities located in the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Singapore including specific service terms and service levels (Clause 1 of the Sales Terms and Conditions, Clause 40 of the Services Specifications and Clause 27 of the Support and Service Levels of Leaseweb Netherlands, Deutschland, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Singapore);
  • The Multi-CDN Services are now available by our Leaseweb Singapore Sales Entity as well. Therefore, the Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies of Leaseweb Singapore have been updated accordingly (Clauses 28 and 29 of the Services Specifications, Clause 24 of the Support and Service Levels, and Clause 20 of the Policies of Leaseweb Singapore);
  • In order to align with the applicable regulations, the Sales Terms and Conditions and the Support and Service Levels have been updated with minor changes. 

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per January 15, 2024 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information. 

1 December 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 December 2023 as notified below. 

Such amendments consist of the followings: 

  • As per 1 December 2023, Leaseweb Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. formally changed its name to Leaseweb Singapore Pte. Ltd. Since this is only a formal company name change, Leaseweb Singapore Pte. Ltd. will continue to be the existing supplier of the Services hosted in Singapore and the entity details (such as the address, tax registration number, ACRA BIZZ number and bank details) will remain the same. 

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per 15 December 2023 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see  https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract  for more information. 

1 November 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 November 2023 as notified below. 

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and to optimize clarity and transparency – consist of the following clauses for the Customers benefit: 

  • Enhancements have been added to “Delivery Date” and “Estimated Delivery Time” (Defined terms of the Sales Terms and Conditions); and
  • The Sales Contract Modification Procedure has been updated to provide more flexibility for Services’ renewals (Clause 5.1-5.3 of the Sales Terms and Conditions). 

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per November 15, 2023 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information. 

1 October 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 October 2023 as notified below. 

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  1. The registered address of Leaseweb Japan changed to 2-1272F, Akasaka, Minatoku, Tokyo 1070052, Japan; the address of the Leaseweb datacenter in Tokyo remain the same;
  2. In order to comply with updated mandatory local law requirements, the Sales Terms and Conditions and Policies of our Canadian Leaseweb Sales Entity (Leaseweb Canada Inc.) have been amended (Clause 8.1, 8.9, 12.1, 16.3, 16.6 b), 18.2 a), 21.2 d), 25.4, 27.7, 29.1 of the Sales Terms and Conditions and Clause 5.4, 6.3,12.3, 23.1 of the Policies of Leaseweb Canada);
  3. Renewed Public Cloud Services are being introduced by our Leaseweb Sales Entities located in the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Singapore including specific product terms, SLA and Service Credits (Clause 15 of the Services Specifications and Clause 15 of the Support and Service Levels of Leaseweb Netherlands, Deutschland, United Kingdom, Canada and Asia Pacific). 

These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per October 15, 2023 to all Sales Contracts and Service Orders taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information.

1 September 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract) and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 September 2023.

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  1. EOKM has changed its name to OFFLIMITS (Clause 12.7 of the Policies of Leaseweb Netherlands B.V.).
  2. Additional provisions on the ASN Threshold have been implemented to the IP Connectivity Service (New Clause 15.4 in the Policies).

Changes are applicable to the Policies of all Leaseweb Sales Entities. These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per September 15, 2023 to all Sales Contracts taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information.

1 August 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 AUgust 2023.

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  1. Customers can request a downgrade or cancel the Services with shorter notice periods according to the followings (Clauses 5.4 and 20.4 of the Sales Terms and Conditions):

    Contract Term 

    New Notice Period  

    Up to and including 3 months  

    1 hour 

    6 months and longer 

    1 month

  2. Leaseweb values the development of new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence. However, Leaseweb needs to protect its Confidential Information and Intellectual Property rights. Therefore, Leaseweb implements the “Customer AI code of Conduct” to limit and prohibit the use of Leaseweb’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in AI based computer systems (Clauses 3.6-3.8 of the Sales Terms and Conditions).

Changes are applicable to the Sales Terms and Conditions of all Leaseweb Sales Entities. These Leaseweb B2B Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per August 15, 2023 to all Sales Contracts taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information.

1 July 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided at the website of Leaseweb (https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract)  and per short legal announcement in the Customer Portal to all Customers, the B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 July 2023.

Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  1. New Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies for newly launched Multi-CDN Services for our Leaseweb UK, Canadian and US Sales Entities. The Multi-CDN service descriptions for the Leaseweb Dutch and German Sales Entities have been fully aligned with this new launch. (Clauses 30 and 31 of the Services Specifications, Clause 24 of the Support and Service Levels, and Clause 15 of the Policies).
  2. The addition of Customers’ responsibility to maintain an inventory list of its Collocated Equipment for PCI-DSS compliance purposes in the Services Specifications.

These Leaseweb Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Leaseweb Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per July 15, 2023 to all Sales Contracts taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information.

3 April 2023

Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided to all Customers, the B2B Sales Contract Schedules of all Leaseweb Sales Entities have been amended per versions of 1 April 2023. Such amendments - including minor edits for your ease of reading and transparency – consist of the following changes for Customers benefit:

  1. New Customer code of conduct (New Clause 16.10 in the Sales Terms of Conditions)
  2. For improved customer experience and for a smooth onboarding the KYC Customer Verification procedure including sanctions check has been clarified (Clauses 4.3 and 4.5 Sales Terms and Conditions)
  3. All Leaseweb Sales Contract Schedules have been updated to reflect the new Leaseweb branding - Leaseweb Reliable Cloud
  4. The removal of the discontinued service “Domain Protection Service” from the Services Specifications and Support and Service Levels

These Leaseweb Sales Contract Schedules, consisting of Leaseweb Sales Terms and Conditions, Services Specifications, Support and Service Levels and Policies will be fully and automatically applicable as per April 17, 2023 to all Sales Contracts taken into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days. Please see https://www.leaseweb.com/en/about-us/legal/sales-contract for more information. January, 2023

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