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Industries: AdTech

Founded: 2014

Headquarters: Berlin, Germany

Size: 101-250

Products in this case study: 

Private Rack

The Customer

Remerge specializes in incremental app retargeting, putting user data to work and enabling customers to deliver highly relevant and personalized mobile ads.

It began with five entrepreneurs united by their vision to build a sustainable company based on technology that mattered. It resulted in Remerge: the first and strongest app-to-app retargeting solution in AdTech. Remerge, a Leaseweb customer for years, is trusted by top apps from all major verticals and has received international recognition - including an award from LinkedIn as one of the 25 Top Startups in Germany.

Remerge has specialty in incremental app retargeting, putting user data to work and enabling customers to deliver highly relevant and personalized mobile ads. Remerge specializes in running in-app advertising campaigns. “We help our customers to understand their customers better,” says Martin Karlsch, Co-Founder and CTO. “Our customers can then re-approach their customers through in-app advertising.” Remerge’s platform effectively uses data to measure, optimize, and deliver scientifically proven incremental value, allowing customers to retarget up to 2 million users per second programmatically across 500,000 apps.

“If Leaseweb disappeared tomorrow we would be in trouble. At the moment we have our whole business at Leaseweb, and with another provider we would probably need to spend way more money every month to get the same value - which we would definitely like to avoid."

Martin Karlsch, Co-Founder & CTO, Remerge

The Challenge

Remerge began experiencing reliability issues with their hosting provider. This is a huge problem, as they process a lot of data - bid requests add up to 6 trillion per month, and peak at roughly 3 million requests per second. On top of this, their need for processing speed is underlined by the fact that they are involved in a bidding process, meaning that everything needs to be respondent to within 100 milliseconds. Simply put: if they are not fast enough, their bid will not be considered.

This amount of data and speed, combined with high SLA requirements, requires reliable and powerful infrastructure. “We need to be fast 24/7, 365 days a year. Every second that we are not up or cannot respond usually means we lost some money, or we couldn’t spend some money for our customers,” says Karlsch. “We require a solution that is extremely reliable, and if problems arise we need to have support from the hoster’s side to address issues quickly.”

The Solution

When Karlsch heard about Leaseweb, there were two main reasons Remerge ultimately decided to move 95% of their infrastructure to Leaseweb over a large hyperscaler: cost and customization. Lower costs gave Remerge a huge a competitive advantage over their competitors, while Leaseweb’s highly customizable IaaS solutions meant they could choose the exact hardware they needed to make their model work.

“With Leaseweb we can find a customized setup that is way less expensive,” says Karlsch, “especially in terms of bandwidth. If you process 6 trillion requests, there is a lot of bandwidth that is consumed - and Leaseweb has a really good offering in that area. We are using bare metal machines to answer all of these requests to have a very predicable performance, and that was something we could not get back in the days from the bigger cloud providers.”

Regarding customization, Karlsch remarks that it is “something you usually don’t get with the big cloud providers because they have their standardized setups. There are cases when you need more, and we can usually always work something out with Leaseweb.”

Key Requirements

  • Reliability: every second of downtime is money lost for Remerge and their customers
  • Scalability: infrastructure that grows with the company
  • High bandwidth: necessary to process millions of requests per second

Our Solution

  • Multi-High Performance Servers
  • Services in Germany, Netherlands, Singapore and United States
  • 95% of infrastructure hosted with Leaseweb

The Future

Remerge has big plans for the future, including becoming the number one in-app enterprise in the marketing world. Karlsch sees the continued partnership with Leaseweb as crucial in realizing this growth. “As we grow, we will also grow our business with you”.

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