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Use cases: What can you do with Elastic Compute

Host a web application or website
Host a backend platform
Faster testing of software applications

Host a web application

In the case that you want to establish an online presence through a website or web application, Leaseweb Elastic Compute is a great option that offers scalability, reliability, and flexible costs.

On a virtualized environment

Elastic Compute provides dedicated resources allocated to your web application within a virtualized environment. This means that you can deploy sufficient instances for optimal performance of your application. Furthermore, you have more control over the settings of your infrastructure, similar to a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) where you can enclose access to your backend servers from the public internet, or deploy servers in their own isolated network tiers to easily manage accessibility at scale.

Scaling vertically and horizontally

Elastic Compute offers great scalability. As your web application continues to grow, you can easily (vertically) scale up your instance resources by adding more CPU, RAM, and storage to accommodate increased traffic and demand. Additionally, you can add a cloud load balancer, so incoming requests are evenly distributed over instances. With the bursting feature enabled, which guarantees automated scaling of your resource pool, you will not run out of compute resources and your web application will remain always accessible and will perform well even during peak periods when you (horizontally) scale your web application instances.

host a web app

Host a back-end application

Imagine you are developing a mobile application that allows users to store and share photos and videos. Your back-end platform will be responsible for managing media storage, enabling content sharing, and providing various backend services like Identity and access management (IAM), API management, email, SMS push notifications, location-based services, and social media integration.

Flexibility of IaaS Service

You decided to utilize Elastic Compute for your back-end platform because of the flexibility of IaaS services which can help you streamline the development and deployment processes, allowing you to deliver more reliable and scalable applications to your users.

Dedicated vCPU

Your back-end platform will require robust computing resources to handle user requests, process data, and execute business logic. For that purpose, Elastic Compute offers shared or dedicated vCPU, so you can scale your infrastructure up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.

host a web app

Faster testing of software applications

You are a software development company that builds web applications with a team of testers responsible for validating functionality, performance, and compatibility across different devices, browsers, and operating systems. The main goal is to deliver high-quality software with faster release cycles, improved test coverage, and reduced infrastructure costs.

Create multiple test environments

Instead of setting up and maintaining physical hardware or dedicated servers for testing, with Elastic Compute you can quickly provision instances with different configurations, operating systems, and browser versions required for their testing scenarios. You can create templates and upload custom ISO’s allowing you to create multiple testing environments easily and on-demand, saving time and resources.

Scale up during peak periods

During peak testing periods, you will need more computing power or additional instances for load testing, to easily scale up cloud resources. Conversely, during periods of lower demand, you can scale down to reduce costs. This flexibility ensures optimal resource utilization and enables efficient testing cycles.

Parallel testing

Elastic Compute allows testers to perform parallel testing, executing multiple tests concurrently across different instances. You can spin up multiple instances of test environments in parallel. These speeds up the testing process, allowing them to complete test cycles faster and deliver software updates more quickly.

host a web app

Elastic Compute Pricing & Packages

Choose the right resource pool and billing model for your workloads.


Competitive pricing with excellent computing performance.

No commitment, pay as you go (hourly)

Storage* (GB)0.16200.16800.2184
Traffic** in/out (GB)0.00200.00210.0029

* Storage is billed in peak usage per month
** IP’s are available as a pool of IPs (subnet), with the smallest subnet /29 offered for free.

Reserve a pool of resources

from €90.60 / month

Currently only available in AMS-01, MTL-02, WDC-02


Best possible performance with dedicated hyperthreads.

No commitment, pay as you go (hourly)

Storage* (GB)0.16200.16800.25430.1404
Traffic** in/out (GB)0.00200.00210.00290.0018

* Storage is billed in peak usage per month
** IP’s are available as a pool of IPs (subnet), with the smallest subnet /29 offered for free.

Reserve a pool of resources

from €214.80 / month

Available: AMS-01, LON-01, FRA-01, SIN-01, WDC-02

Elastic Compute Product Features


Compute instances and reserved resource pools

Select from our ready-to-use compute instance types for your on-demand compute usage. Or choose a reserved compute and storage resource pool with the flexibility to allocate its resources to multiple different-sized instances including CPU cores, memory, storage, virtual firewall, and cloud load balancer.



Easily automate daily actions on your cloud, by leveraging Leaseweb APIs: Private Clouds API (leaseweb.com) to retrieve metrics of usage or commands available through the developer and integration API URL provided by Apache Cloudstack to program management of instances, networks, and volumes.


Supported operating systems

Leaseweb Elastic Compute allows you to easily run your instances with your choice of operating systems. You can also use custom templates. Currently, we support the following OS CentOS 7, Almalinux 8, Debian 10, 11, 12, FreeBSD 12, 13, Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, and Windows 2022.


Elastic Compute Cloud Storage

Elastic Compute Cloud Storage delivers your data on volumes that are backed by a highly available NFS storage platform. Your compute instances use the Elastic Compute primary storage, whereas your snapshots would be stored in our Elastic Compute secondary storage.


High availability

Use anti-affinity groups to ensure that instances run on different physical hypervisors. CloudStack orchestration detects if instances are deployed on hypervisor with failures and restart instances on different hypervisor, hence ensuring high availability.


Internet traffic

Both Elastic Compute Standard and Elastic Compute Premium Reserved include 5 TB for free Internet traffic. This data traffic pack can be upgraded, where network port speed is up to 1 Gbps.


Extensive networking feature

Built-in load balancers, routers with NAT features, different networks via VPC, and private networks to expand your infrastructure.


Secure environments

Mitigate floods of malicious connection requests with our proactive DDoS protection, filter external traffic with firewalls, or separate traffic in your internal networks with access lists. VPN options are available for remote access.


Cloud compute flavors

Benefit from cost-effective shared vCPU or high-performance dedicated vCPU resources as part of the Elastic Compute Standard and Elastic Compute Premium products.

Why choose Leaseweb Elastic Compute

Transparent Pricing
First-class Cloud Architecture
Reliable SLAs
Hybrid and Multi-Cloud solutions
Expert Advice

Transparent Pricing

Don’t lose control over operational expenses with hidden or uncontrollable billing items. With Leaseweb Elastic Compute you can scale up hourly and only pay when you use it (pay-per-use). Leaseweb Cloud solutions have transparent billing and predictable pricing models with no surprises at the end of the month.

See pricing

First-class Cloud Architecture

Leaseweb Cloud Solutions run on enterprise-class hardware from leading manufacturers, namely Dell and HP, with the latest Intel Xeon processors, ensuring your business applications an uncompromising performance. Our network guarantees reliability and continuity to your business operations while reducing the risk of latency, outages, and downtime. We implemented a full redundancy and dual-vendor policy on all network routers, to provide 10+Tbps bandwidth capacity, and 3 nines uptime.

Reliable SLAs

Leaseweb Cloud solutions include comprehensive service level agreements by contract. Elastic Compute comes with Basic SLA which covers comprehensive support of the first faulty up to 5 vCPUs per month. Our experts are available around the world to empower you to unleash the very most in cloud performance.

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Hybrid and Multi-Cloud solutions

Connect separate networks of your cloud instances or transfer data to dedicated servers with private networking. Our Cloud Connect connects your infrastructure to the rest of the Public Cloud world. Save costs by running workloads in multiple cloud environments. Supported hyperscalers: AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure.

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Expert Advice

Our experienced team guides you through every step of the journey, from the advice of our presales team to the support and operation from our engineers. We provide expertise in multiple cloud projects to help build the most balanced design for your private cloud.

Get in touch

Add-ons for Elastic Compute

Acronis Backup

We offer Acronis CyberProtect enterprise-grade solutions for your cloud, with packages ranging from 25GB. A leading name in backup, Acronis offers a comprehensive backup solution for fast and efficient data recovery in case of a disaster. This solution supports incremental and differential backups, as well as deduplication and compression to save storage space. The backup data is also encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Object storage

Our platform provides cost-effective, scalable and secure storage. It can handle vast amounts of data with outstanding levels of durability and availability. Leaseweb Object Storage uses widely spread APIs, compatible with AWS S3, over standard Internet protocols, like HTTPS, to handle and store data.


certificates list

Product sheet

Product Sheet

Elastic Compute

Find out what Leaseweb Elastic Compute can do for your business, and read about its product specifications.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Elastic Compute Cloud?


What is elasticity in Cloud computing?


What Operating Systems are supported by Leaseweb Elastic Compute?


What are the back-up options for my instance?


What options are available for storage and data management in Elastic Compute?


How do I add or remove instances, if my resource requirements change?


What security measures are in place to protect my data on Elastic Compute?


Can I move virtual machine/instance from one network to another?


What is “Core” exactly? How would a 4-Core instance compare with a physical machine with 4 physical Xeon CPU cores?


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